
Stereo Investigator



Stereo Investigator系統使用體視學標準提供您準確、無偏差的估算,應用在細胞數量、長度、面積及體積的量測或是組織樣本當中的生物結構當中. Stereo Investigator系統是一個關鍵的研究工具,幫助眾多在神經科學領域當中的領先研究內容,包括神經組織退化疾病, 神經病變, 記憶及行為, 其他研究領域如: 肺部研究, 脊隨研究及毒物學研究...等等.


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除了體視學軟體分析功能之外, Stereo Investigator系統還可包含任何您需要的硬體: 如顯微鏡、電腦、電動平台、CCD...等, 加上MBF技術支援團隊對您及您的實驗進行全面的支援,優化您的實驗設計目標,有效率的收集您需要的實驗結果.

+ 關於Stereo Investigator, 看看4分鐘的影片介紹:


Stereo Investigator已經被標註在超過6000篇已發表的研究論文當中,遠遠超過其他競爭對手五倍之多.

在一些突破性的研究當中都可以看到Stereo Investigator的身影,例如:

Akers, K. G., Martinez-Canabal, A., Restivo, L., Yiu, A. P., De Cristofaro, A., Hsiang, H.-L. L., . . . Shoji, H. (2014). Hippocampal Neurogenesis Regulates Forgetting During Adulthood and Infancy. Science, 344(6184), 598- 02.

Nagahara, A. H., D. A. Merrill, G. Coppola, S. Tsukada, B. E. Schroeder, G. M. Shaked, L. Wang, A. Blesch, A. Kim, J. M. Conner, E. Rockenstein, M. V. Chao, E. H. Koo, D. Geschwind, E. Masliah, A. A. Chiba and M. H. Tuszynski (2009). "Neuroprotective effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in rodent and primate models of Alzheimer's disease." Nature Medicine advanced online publication.

Santarelli, L., M. Saxe, C. Gross, A. Surget, F. Battaglia, S. Dulawa, N. Weisstaub, J. Lee, R. Duman, O. Arancio, C. Belzung and R. Hen (2003). "Requirement of Hippocampal Neurogenesis for the Behavioral Effects of Antidepressants." Science 301: 805-809.



顯微鏡硬體跟Stereo Investigator軟體合併在一起變成一個強大,無縫接軌的體視學系統. 一個典型的系統包括了顯微鏡、電腦及Stereo Investigator軟體. 絕大部分在顯微鏡目鏡底下看到的影像都可以呈現在電腦螢幕上. 加上Lucivid到Stereo Investigator系統,您就可以透過顯微鏡目鏡進行體視學運算.

Stereo Investigator完整的與您的顯微鏡及相關硬體整合,減少手動的實驗時間,加速資料的收集. 它能做到:

  • 操控顯微鏡電動平台自動位移,完成體視學要求的系統化隨機取樣
  • control cameras so you can view live images or collect and save images and image stacks, even change or save camera settings for future use
  • control the focus position, change objective lenses or adjust the condenser
  • automatically change filter wheels and mirror cubes when acquiring fluorescent images or image stacks

Stereo Investigator works with brightfield, multi-channel fluorescence, confocal, structured illumination, and two-photon microscopes.  


Stereology from image stacks

Performing stereology at the microscope from fluorescent tissue specimens can be problematic since exposure to light degrades fluorescent tissue. With Stereo Investigator Desktop you can acquire image stacks using systematic random sampling (SRS) - a method that produces image stacks suitable for stereology- and then perform stereology on the image stacks. A great benefit of stereology on image stacks is that you can run many probes for different types of analyses and never have to worry that your tissue will fade. Plus, it's easier to double check the analysis.



During SRS image stack acquisition, Stereo Investigator directs the motorized stage, camera, and, for fluorescent images, the filter wheels and mirror cubes. This means you can automatically capture image stacks at each sample site, and then take the image stacks to a computer with Stereo Investigator Desktop and perform stereological analysis. Image stacks can be saved to Biolucida - a platform for viewing, sharing, and storing microscope images.

+ Read about how to analyze tissue cleared with CLARITY, SeeDB, 3DISCO, and more

Stereology on whole slide images

Whole slide images (digital replicas of your specimen) are a permanent digital resource you can use over and over again for analysis and publication images. Stereo Investigator can quickly and easily create whole slide images of your entire specimen in 3D (x, y, and z) or 2D (x, y) with the addition of the 2D and 3D Slide Scanning modules. The system is fully integrated and works unattended, allowing you to focus on other projects. Stereo Investigator directs the motorized stage, camera, and, for fluorescent images, the filter wheels and mirror cubes so there is no need for manual intervention. 

Whole slide images give you the freedom to perform stereology on a computer away from the microscope, and also give you a permanent digital file of your specimen that can be easily stored on Biolucida - a platform for viewing, sharing, and storing microscope images. Stereology on 2D whole slide images can be employed if the chosen probe does not require systematic random sampling, such as Cavalieri probe for regional area and volume, and Area Fraction Fractionator for calculating the area of a small subregion (such as lesions or plaques) within a larger region.

Stereo Investigator and Biolucida also work with whole slide images from providers such as Aperio and Nanozoomer. 

Customized stereology solutions

Stereo Investigator systems range from a cost-effective brightfield system up to a laser scanning confocal system.  We can integrate our software into microscopes and hardware that labs already own, or we can provide complete systems including microscopes, motorized stages, cameras, computers and software. Either way, our systems are fully integrated, allowing our software to drive motorized parts of the microscope system.Imaging modules and additional hardware can be added to your system as your needs evolve.


Each Stereo Investigator system we configure is:

●      Based upon your specific research needs.
●      Fully integrated - Stereo Investigator controls motorized stages, cameras, filter wheels etc.
●      Scalable, so it fits your budget and allows room for additional capabilities via our imaging modules and hardware upgrades.
●      Supported by our team of scientists and technicians who are experts in stereology, research software and laboratory hardware.  Our scientists also can help you design your study.
●      Upgradable to new software versions that are released regularly.

Stereo Investigator has been developed with support from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)





Stereo Investigator使用無偏差的方法,提供可靠的結果。軟件使用系統隨機抽樣,符合最嚴格的體視學算法。


Stereo Investigator最有效的方法是電動平台移動,取樣的位置和易於讀取的圖形顯示快速估計出您的組織。 Stereo Investigator縮短了試驗和結果之間的時間。


Stereo Investigator兼容所有研究級顯微鏡,可以在明場 ,熒光,共聚焦工作。軟件包括圖像分析,描繪,圖形輸出和測量工具。


在體視學中,Stereo Investigator是公認的分析工具的領導者,我們是已被證明的體視學分析系統。
最廣泛發布:更多的(數以百計)科學論文引用Stereo lnvestigator作為的首選工具,而不是任何其他體視學分析產品。



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